this NOT a cinderella story, or a superheroes story, or Akademi Fantasia thinggy, or story about a politician wannabe, or story about cat, or story about my car, or motivational blogs, or news, or gossip, or whatever youre thinking. This is a story about Me :)<..... and those around me. (Added on 11 Mar 2011>
Ilman day by day
Thursday, June 28, 2007
aku ingin tidur....
kenapalah aku payah sangat nak tido. maybe sebab caffein intake aku semakin byk lately, nicotine intake pun byk jugak, or maybe sbb aku selalu tertido semasa Buletin Utama keudara.
Damn, mcm ni kul 2.30 ni baru boleh tido ni.... otak aku dah rasa jemm ni.....arghhh. Mana nak dapat pil tido huh? kena amil preskripsi doc dulu ke?
i wish i could sleep like this ol' man. Anytime, anywhere.... so peaceful
the trick to try to sleep is try to stay awake.
that is too deep for me to understand... tgh awake ni..
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