In the name of Allah the most gracious the most merciful,
There is a controversy surrounding and shocking the whole muslim nation this week. Well i think it didn't happen overnight but years of hated research and plan by Geert Wilders to insult Allah Almighty, The Holy Quran, our beloved Prophet Muhammad SWT, our holy religion Islam and all Muslim Brothers and Sisters in the world.
You all can watch the controversial videos here on the youtube. I just saw it and i went straight away to look for the translation of each surah and verse he mentioned in that biase/unjust/shameful video. Shame on me for not understanding arabic and have to google the meanings on the web.
Translations below is coming from Jakim site (Malay) here and University of Michigan site (English) here.
The verses mentioned on his video.
Surah 8 verse 60
Prepare to destory them with all force, terrorize your enemy and Allah enemy...
Dan sediakanlah untuk menentang mereka (musuh yang menceroboh) segala jenis kekuatan yang dapat kamu sediakan dan dari pasukan-pasukan berkuda yang lengkap sedia, untuk menggerunkan dengan persediaan itu musuh Allah dan musuh kamu serta musuh-musuh yang lain dari mereka yang kamu tidak mengetahuinya, sedang Allah mengetahuinya. Dan apa sahaja yang kamu belanjakan pada jalan Allah akan disempurnakan balasannya kepada kamu, dan kamu tidak akan dianiaya.
Dan jika mereka cenderung kepada perdamaian, maka kamu juga hendaklah cenderung kepadanya serta bertawakkallah kepada Allah. Sesungguhnya Ia Maha Mendengar, lagi Maha Mengetahui.
[8.60] And prepare against them what force you can and horses tied at the frontier, to frighten thereby the enemy of Allah and your enemy and others besides them, whom you do not know (but) Allah knows them; and whatever thing you will spend in Allah's way, it will be paid back to you fully and you shall not be dealt with unjustly.
[8.61] And if they incline to peace, then incline to it and trust in Allah; surely He is the Hearing, the Knowing.
Surah 4 verse 56
"Those who are disbelievers will be burned in fire and when their skin is crispy like a turkey's we will replace it with another skin so that they will know their punishment. Allah is great and wise.
Sesungguhnya orang yang kufur kepada ayat-ayat Kami, Kami akan membakar mereka dalam api neraka. Tiap-tiap kali kulit mereka masak hangus, Kami gantikan untuk mereka kulit yang lain supaya mereka merasa azab sengsara itu. Sesungguhnya Allah adalah Maha Kuasa, lagi Maha Bijaksana.
Dan orang yang beriman serta beramal salih, Kami akan masukkan mereka ke dalam syurga yang mengalir di bawahnya beberapa sungai, mereka kekal di dalamnya selamanya. Mereka beroleh di dalamnya isteri-isteri yang suci bersih, serta Kami masukkan mereka ke tempat yang teduh lagi di naungi.
[4.56] (As for) those who disbelieve in Our communications, We shall make them enter fire; so oft as their skins are thoroughly burned, We will change them for other skins, that they may taste the chastisement; surely Allah is Mighty, Wise.
[4.57] And (as for) those who believe and do good deeds, We will make them enter gardens beneath which rivers flow, to abide in them for ever; they shall have therein pure mates, and We shall make them enter a dense shade.
Surah 47 Verse 4
When you have an encounter with disbelievers, cut their throats with a sword and spill their blood...
Maka apabila kamu berjuang menentang orang kafir maka pancunglah lehernya, sehingga apabila kamu dapat mengalahkan mereka maka tawanlah mereka dan kukuhkan ikatan mereka. Setelah itu, bolehlah memberi kebebasan atau dijadikan tebusan, sehinggalah berakhir peperangan jihad itu Demikianlah! Dan sekiranya Allah kehendaki, tentulah Ia binasakan mereka; tetapi Ia hendak menguji sebahagian kamu dengan sebahagian yang lain. Dan orang yang telah berjuang serta gugur syahid pada jalan Allah, maka Allah tidak sekali-kali akan mensia-siakan amal-amal mereka.
[47.4] So when you meet in battle those who disbelieve, then smite the necks until when you have overcome them, then make (them) prisoners, and afterwards either set them free as a favor or let them ransom (themselves) until the war terminates. That (shall be so); and if Allah had pleased He would certainly have exacted what is due from them, but that He may try some of you by means of others; and (as for) those who are slain in the way of Allah, He will by no means allow their deeds to perish.
Surah 47 Verse 89
They would like to see you become disbelievers, don't trust this people as long as they don't follow Allah, when they escape kill them whereever you find them, don't trust them it will be your grave....
Mereka suka kalau kamu pula menjadi kafir, maka (dengan yang demikian) menjadilah kamu sama seperti mereka. Oleh itu janganlah kamu mengambil di antara mereka menjadi teman rapat kamu, sehingga mereka berhijrah pada jalan Allah. Kemudian kalau mereka sengaja berpaling ingkar, maka tawanlah dan bunuhlah mereka di mana sahaja kamu menemuinya; dan janganlah kamu mengambil di antara mereka menjadi teman rapat atau penolong.
[4.89] They desire that you should disbelieve as they have disbelieved, so that you might be (all) alike; therefore take not from among them friends until they fly (their homes) in Allah's way; but if they turn back, then seize them and kill them wherever you find them, and take not from among them a friend or a helper.
From the 3 weak example that he simply pick from the holy verse of Al Quran, he labelled and instilled hatred of other religion towards islam, provocating Muslim to react and confused those who didn't understand.
Each surah and verse in Al Quran was delivered to Prophet Muhammad PBUH based on certain event at that time. It is still applicable nowdays, provided the same event is happening. People who read Al-Quran must also aware that certain commandment is strike out when a latter verse and surah is delivered to Prophet Muhammad PBUH. I'm no expert on this field, if youre interested i suggest you find a good Ustad to guide you.
Anyway, on the first example, is a situation during a war. Muslim is commanded to prepare and fight for a war. Every civilization and religion does the same thing. Then look at the verse that follow, if the enemy seek a truce then Muslim must also accept it. Hatred you say? Nahhh....
Second example, it is an explanation about life after death and kiamat (judgement day). Disbelievers including those who murtad will be punished accordingly and those who serve Allah will be rewarded accordingly. What you give you get back... even Scorpion understand this basic karma. Shame on GW.
Third example also refer to the war time. Fight or Jihad as hard as you can to win the war. We are not promoting war although we have been attacked for centuries by the disbelievers. Looked at all crisis in the world, who started it?
The fourth example emphasize the consequence of being a disbeliever. Those who leave Islam can be killed after we consulted them 3 times. Harsh it may sound, but God Almighty is always generous and merciful. Some actions deserved heavy bearing.
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
To show our protest to this Wild accusation of Mr Wilders. Lets start Boycott Dutch Product Campaign. Refer to the list here and uniliver products here. The easiest way we can do is to stop filling up at Shell (Royal Dutch Shell) station. Peace be upon you.
this NOT a cinderella story, or a superheroes story, or Akademi Fantasia thinggy, or story about a politician wannabe, or story about cat, or story about my car, or motivational blogs, or news, or gossip, or whatever youre thinking. This is a story about Me :)<..... and those around me. (Added on 11 Mar 2011>
Monday, March 31, 2008
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Daulat Tuanku
Tiada undang-undang yang lebih tinggi dari Hukum Allah. Selama mana seseorang itu menegakkan hukum Allah, akan ku turutinya, dokongnya dan mempertahankannnya.
Beberapa hari kebelakangan ini, kelihatan cabaran yang amat berani dari kalangan Pihak Eksekutif (baca UMNO) terhadap Institusi Raja Melayu. Sebuah institusi yang wujud beratus tahun dari zaman Prameswara hingga sekarang sedang di cabar oleh puak2 nasionalis yang kononnya memperjuangkan hak2 orang melayu. Daulat Tuanku.
Lebih parah apabila Institusi Raja berkenaan adalah di Terengganu yang mana Baginda Sultan adalah Yang Di Pertuan Agong Malaysia, Ketua Negara Malaysia. Seperti yang saya katakan diatas pantang anak melayu merdehaka kepada Baginda Sultan, melainkan baginda melanggar hukum2 Allah. Label merdehaka kepada Baginda Sultan amatlah jijik dan dipandang hina oleh rakyat jelata. Daulat Tuanku.
Di dalam kes SPBYD Agong Tuanku Mizan, Baginda adalah generasi baru Monarki yang mempunyai pandangan berbeza dari Monarki yang terdahulu. Kerana itulah Baginda BERANI untuk mempertahankan rakyat jelatanya dari penindasan yang melampau dari Badan Eksekutif. Hamba percaya generasi baru monarki Malaysia serperti Tuanku Mizan, Raja Nazrin, Tengku Faris Petra dan lain2 akan membawa gelombang perubahan yang baik untuk rakyat Malaysia. Daulat Tuanku.
Memang benar kekuasaan Sultan makin terhapus setelah kedatangan British, selepas merdeka dan selepas Mahathir mengurangkan kuasa Raja2 Melayu di awal 90an (jika tidak silap). Institusi Beraja ini wajib di pertahankan oleh SEMUA ORANG MELAYU dan RAKYAT YANG INGIN BERNAUNG DIBAWAH PANJINYA. Daulat Tuanku.
Janganlah kita lupa bahawa, Sultan adalah payung negara. Raja-raja adalah sumber kekuatan rakyat dan tempat rakyat mencari perlindungan, keadilan, memberikan kesetiaan, kecintaan dan taat setia kepada negara. Daulat Tuanku.
Wahai orang2 UMNO, ingatlah dah hayatilah kembali rukun negara. Jangan kerana gilakan kuasa kalian sanggup meruntuhkan Institusi Raja seperti mana yang berlaku di Turki. Baginda Tuanku sayang dan kasih kepada rakyatnya, mengadap dan berbincanglah demi kebaikan Rakyat Malaysia dan rakyat Terengganu khususnya. Daulat Tuanku.
MAKA KAMI, rakyat Malaysia, berikrar akan menumpukan seluruh tenaga dan usaha kami untuk mencapai cita-cita tersebut berdasarkan prinsip-prinsip yang berikut:
Daulat Tuanku! Daulat Tuanku! Daulat Tuanku!
Beberapa hari kebelakangan ini, kelihatan cabaran yang amat berani dari kalangan Pihak Eksekutif (baca UMNO) terhadap Institusi Raja Melayu. Sebuah institusi yang wujud beratus tahun dari zaman Prameswara hingga sekarang sedang di cabar oleh puak2 nasionalis yang kononnya memperjuangkan hak2 orang melayu. Daulat Tuanku.
Lebih parah apabila Institusi Raja berkenaan adalah di Terengganu yang mana Baginda Sultan adalah Yang Di Pertuan Agong Malaysia, Ketua Negara Malaysia. Seperti yang saya katakan diatas pantang anak melayu merdehaka kepada Baginda Sultan, melainkan baginda melanggar hukum2 Allah. Label merdehaka kepada Baginda Sultan amatlah jijik dan dipandang hina oleh rakyat jelata. Daulat Tuanku.
Di dalam kes SPBYD Agong Tuanku Mizan, Baginda adalah generasi baru Monarki yang mempunyai pandangan berbeza dari Monarki yang terdahulu. Kerana itulah Baginda BERANI untuk mempertahankan rakyat jelatanya dari penindasan yang melampau dari Badan Eksekutif. Hamba percaya generasi baru monarki Malaysia serperti Tuanku Mizan, Raja Nazrin, Tengku Faris Petra dan lain2 akan membawa gelombang perubahan yang baik untuk rakyat Malaysia. Daulat Tuanku.
Memang benar kekuasaan Sultan makin terhapus setelah kedatangan British, selepas merdeka dan selepas Mahathir mengurangkan kuasa Raja2 Melayu di awal 90an (jika tidak silap). Institusi Beraja ini wajib di pertahankan oleh SEMUA ORANG MELAYU dan RAKYAT YANG INGIN BERNAUNG DIBAWAH PANJINYA. Daulat Tuanku.
Janganlah kita lupa bahawa, Sultan adalah payung negara. Raja-raja adalah sumber kekuatan rakyat dan tempat rakyat mencari perlindungan, keadilan, memberikan kesetiaan, kecintaan dan taat setia kepada negara. Daulat Tuanku.
Wahai orang2 UMNO, ingatlah dah hayatilah kembali rukun negara. Jangan kerana gilakan kuasa kalian sanggup meruntuhkan Institusi Raja seperti mana yang berlaku di Turki. Baginda Tuanku sayang dan kasih kepada rakyatnya, mengadap dan berbincanglah demi kebaikan Rakyat Malaysia dan rakyat Terengganu khususnya. Daulat Tuanku.
MAKA KAMI, rakyat Malaysia, berikrar akan menumpukan seluruh tenaga dan usaha kami untuk mencapai cita-cita tersebut berdasarkan prinsip-prinsip yang berikut:
Daulat Tuanku! Daulat Tuanku! Daulat Tuanku!
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
The People has spoken
A few days before election i designed the poster on the left as sort of last minutes propaganda to counter BN attacks on my beloved Kelantan (it was never published though). I have to say, i was scared that Kelantan will turn blue in this general election. Mass media played non stop propaganda promoting BN to the masses and some spesific 'advert' targetting Kelantan.
Even KJ with his usual arrogant and over confident style, launch a special '18 Tahun Pade Doh' campaign under the umbrella of Pemuda BN. The pressure given by the ruling goverment was so huge. Even Nik Aziz and thousand of Kelantanese held 'solat hajat', asking God Almighty for help, during this difficult time. It makes me feel obligated to came back to my home town, cast a vote against BN. Thats all the rights and power that i have. That is my voice.
That was last week. Today, everyone in Malaysia and our neighboring countries knows what the result was. THE PEOPLE HAS SPOKEN. To my shocked many of them speaks the same language as me. No, we don't want BN anymore. The people are sick
and tired of the lies. The people don't want to see their hard earned money being gamble by those who walks on the corridor of power (term borrowed from Raja Petra). The people down below is suffering, the rich becomes the king and the poor becomes the slave. They had enough. They brave themselves to cast for uncertainty, unchartered territory, unwritten history. They demand change.
Frontpage of NST on 9th March showed the picture on the right. The Blues has been beaten with The Greens, Reds and Cyans. I never expected it, BN never expected it, everyone never expected. But one thing for sure, everyone vote on what they believed and want.
The People Has Spoken. So government, i beg you to listen....
Monday, March 03, 2008
Kelate is different....
BN gatherings organized by Kelantan Development Council yesterday at Bukit Kiara. It was quoted that 5000 people attend it. This is the only photos shown on The Star, other dailies didn't put any. I doubt it was 5000.
If you looked closely at the middle, there are large number of Indians. Yes there are indians in Kelantan, but BN are also known to bring paid supporters during such gathering. Even Kelantanese are shamed to attend such event. euuww.....
This are photos taken tonight, at PERANAKAN (Persatuan Anak Kelantan) + PAS gathering. It was held in Hotel Nikko. Since it was 5 mins drive from my home, so i went there. To see and listened to Tok Guru advise.
The hall was fully packed, this time no indian were what i mean. They all came here with their own will, no promised of 'duit tiket bas'.
Even my friend who went to UMNO HQ didn't get the promised expected... 'duit kena kebas' by those who are entrusted to distribute
the money. Money politics is rooted so deeply in UMNO it was impossible to remove it. Unless you reform it from top to bottom. Anwar tried, see what happened to him.
Asked anyone who join UMNO, why they did so? the only answer you will get is, "for project lah". Shame on you. Since UMNO-BN cannot be heal (at this moment) from their money-hungry-addiction, a lot of young professionals, executives, teacher, lawyers, accountants, public servants and others are shy away from them. This are the middle class with intellects, who can differentiate between the good and bad.
Even if you went to any public varsities, you can clearly see how popular the oppositions (read PAS) is. Its not 'cool' to support the ruling government.
I'm not PAS member, just a Kelantanese with very clear concise mind. If i am given choice to pick between good and evil, i'll pick good, between good and better, i pick better or maybe between evil and lesser evil, i'll pick lesser evil (of course it is not in this case).
I want a group of people in our Noble Parliament, to fight for the people, to criticize government wrong doing, to checks on government spending, to uphold the truth even if it is not popular, the defend the poor against the power-money hungry politicians.
UMNO-BN keeps hailing their development mantra, thats is their only salvo. They can't criticize PAS-led government with other issues like nepotism, corruptions or the likes, as they are the main culprit. Tok Guru has done a great job as MB. He brings a development inline with Islamic teaching.
I don't want KB to be like KL. I want to eat Nasi Berlauk (or nasi kerabu or nasi dagang) that cost not more than 1 ringgit, even drinks Teh O' which cost not more than 70 cent. Hell yeah, your ringgits has more value in Kelantan.
Who says that we are deeply poor, those propaganda by RTM, is really hurting Kelantanese hearts, as it is full of bull-sh*t. We are the state where cash is always our mode of transactions. No credit cards. As Tesco, Mydin and other shopping malls can concur, if you don't believed me. Our people, especially women are known as traders long before British set foot in Penang.
A non-executives (those with only SPM) can live comfortably in a bunglow in Kota Bharu. Where can you find this kind of example. We are not lacking at all, in term of development. We don't want so called development, that can ruin our way of life.
There is no other state in Malaysia, like Kelantan. There is no other people in Malaysia like Kelantanese, we dare to be different. Hey its been 18 years. It has been a history of itself, they should put it in SPM text book, hahha i doubt its gonna happened.
God Willing, Kelate will remain under Ulamak leadership.
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