Ilman day by day

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Friday, January 23, 2009

One more week to go....

Jumaat, Sabtu, Ahad, Isnin, Selasa, Rabu, Khamis , Jumaat.

New beginnings.

Monday, January 05, 2009

Something Sweet

27th Dec is a my birthday. Every year.

I received a lot of birthday wish on my FB, sms, card, sametime and face to face. I thank all the sender for their sincere wish. I wish good life to all of you.

My dear sister, who were back in Malaysia on that time, bought me this wonderful cake (?), or whatever it is called in Starbucks.

Its sweet, creamy, soft, good looking and very delicious, indeed. You guys should buy this thing for your girlfriend, i'm sure they will melt. :D

In Less than a month

In less a month i will crossover.

Crossover from bachelorhood to familyhood.
Crossover from a life without meaning to a life full of responsibilities.
Crossover from a loneliness to happiness.
Crossover from a total freedom to a freedom without boundaries.
Crossover from a comfort zone to a uncharted territory.
Crossover from a member to a leader.
Crossover to many great/mysterious/happy/unhappy things...

All in a month time. Dear Allah guide me to righteous path. Ih Dinas Sira tol Mustakim.